Friday, March 28, 2008

yes, i'm still crying

so this evening jessica came over and was going to give talan his first hair cut and then give hayden and dave a trim. as always, dave asked hayden if he wanted to shave all of his hair off. this time, he said yes. and he kept saying yes. no matter what i said to talk him out of it he just kept saying "it's ok mom. it'll look cool. it'll grow back. let's do this dad!! make all my hair go away!" after me standing my ground for about a half an hour, dave eventually gave hayden what he wanted. with me crying the whole time. then i had to get down on my hands and knees and pick all of that hair up. i felt like i couldn't keep enough of it.
he still hated having hair fall in his face or on his back or hands or anywhere else for that matter, but he loves his new haircut.
me? it'll take some time.

some kid that i've never seen before just came down to kiss me goodnite and said "mom, just be happy about my hair." and the crying continues....

making sure he really wants to do this:
he kept saying "let's do this dad! make all my hair go away!":

jessica making sure the hair didn't get in his face:


Unknown said...

Holy cow!!!! That's crazy. He looks like a little man.

The Weckler said...

Honestly! That is CRAZY how much it changed his looks! It is cute, though! Are there any side effects from making his hair go away?

spec ops said...

he still loves i guess the only side effect would be me crying everytime i look at him!

Brickmyers said...

He looks like a completely different kid!

Jen said...

He looks so old! What happened to your little boy! He is still as handsome as ever, but, MAN, I would probably be crying too!