Wednesday, March 5, 2008

happy march 5!

god bless michigan. we woke up this morning to yet another snow day from school with about 6 inches of snow on the ground. i told dave that if he could make it to the car, not to worry about it as i would take hayden out to and i would shovel once talan went down for his nap. i figured it'd be a nice second workout for me this morning.
so at about 8:30 i headed down to the basement for my morning workout, headed upstairs, got talan ready for nap and hayden ready to go outside and out we went. as soon as i started shoveling the pathway i realized i was in trouble.
i was out there shoveling for close to an hour i'd say. the good thing is that it's pretty warm out there with the sun shining. i even had to take my mittens and jacket off i was so warm. by the end i was pretty cranky and i was sick of having to readjust hayden's mittens as snow kept getting inside of his jacket. but i had promised him when i was done we'd make a snowman.
of course, it wasn't great packing snow again so we have to improvise. when he asked "is this going to be the biggest snowman EVER?" i couldn't lie when i said "nope. we're going to make whatever we can out of what we've got." he couldn't wait to put the face on him but didn't like my suggestion of grapes for eyes. so when i ran inside to get the carrot i realized we had crunch berries. he told me very specifically we needed 2 buttons on the medium snowball and 3 on the large one.
and then we were done. hopefully for the rest of this year.
we hope all of you in florida and texas and wherever else it is warm are enjoying it and pitying us.

hayden's snow was actually really good:
the snowman. the branches have buds on them...i guess they are on the same page we all are, ENOUGH ALREADY:
too sunny to not squint:

happy march 5th from our house to yours!:

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