Tuesday, March 25, 2008

spring break in royal oak

years ago we went to a church called the bridge. we met some great people there whom we remain close with to this day. unfortunately with busy schedules, kids in school, and some driving distance between some of us, we don't get to see each other often. many of us had kids around the same time and we have pictures of them all together back when they were babies.
hayden, and most of his friends, are on spring break this week so we decided to plan a little play date. we headed over to the bossenberger's house so that hayden could play with charles. joining them was estalla loudon and redding martin. samuel loudon, evelyn bossenberger and talan were also in attendance. the kids seemed to have a great time together and hayden cried the entire drive home (until he fell asleep, but then woke up saying it again) saying "but i'm going to miss charles. and he's going to miss me."
it was great to get the kids back together again and get some new pictures of them all grown up.
thanks for having us all over, jen! we had a great time and hope we can do it more often in the summer!

charles as a pirate. the boots were hilarious...and he walked better in them than i could:

first attempt at a group shot. shockingly, hayden wasn't having it. estella, redding, charles, hayden:
samuel and evelyn:
second group shot. this one went much better:

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