Wednesday, March 19, 2008

letting it go

in recent months i have come to realize that i am a bit of a control freak. i think i've always known this to an extent, but maybe not to the degree that i actually am.
i recently took a personality type test that told me my number one trait was control and my number two was perfectionist. i don't agree with that one at all. i really don't consider myself to be a perfectionist. maybe about certain things, but not most things.
hayden has taken on a lot of my traits. his strong will, stubbornness, anger, and the control. oh how he loves to control everyone and everything.
this morning i had to learn to let go of my control a bit. every nite we (an by we i mean usually me) lay out the clothes that hayden is going to wear the next day. that way as soon as he gets up he can get dressed so he's ready to go. it mostly started out because his dresser is dave's OLD dresser that doesn't even have tracks on the drawers. i was always afraid that he'd pull the drawer all the way out and hurt himself. but let's be honest...i also wanted to make sure he wore what i thought he should wear.
so last nite, apparently dave put out his clothes. his camo pants (of which i only have about 2 or 3 shirts that i put with them) and for whatever reason a short sleeved blue t-shirt with shark teeth on it. i wasn't aware of what he had laid out because i obviously would have changed that.
so i get up and hayden is playing downstairs. when he comes up the stairs i was like...did your father lay those clothes out for you?! and he tells me, "no...i got out the sweater because the shark shirt had little sleeves and i need long sleeves." apparently he put on the camo pants, he put on the shark shirt, and then he realized it was still winter and he needed something to go over it. so he goes into his closet and gets his blue and red striped sweater.
i asked him several times if he wanted to put some jeans on with it instead and he just kept saying "no." when i told him it didn't match he just said "awww, come on mom. i like it. it's beautiful!"
so i thought i'd ask him one...or maybe two more times and if he didn't give in, i'd have to let go of that control and know that him going to school while not matching was not going to kill him. or least i don't think it will.
he declined and he went to school like this:

i did make sure to tell him, however, "make sure you let everyone know you dressed yourself today, ok?!"

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