Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentimes day!!

today hayden had his class "valentimes day" party at school. even though he had a total meltdown at his halloween party when i volunteered, i decided to try again. i was informed that he had a little bit of a problem earlier in the morning before i got there but the rest of the day he was as pleasant as he could be. shocking...i know.
his teacher, mrs. bauman, just had a baby so from now until may, ms. hornyak will be his teacher....lucky her. when i got there i was informed i would be at the "math table." i guess they didn't pull my school records to find out that i'm really only at about a preschool math level. the kids came to my table and sorted out the different colored candy hearts and counted each color and then they counted all of the hearts together. after working with his whole class i realized that hayden is even smarter than i originally had thought. scary.
there is a little boy named justin in hayden's class. they apparently are enemies. i'm guessing that little justin is just very much like little hayden. they have been known to push each other and just get at each other. they are now not allowed to play in the blocks area together. so today, while i was sitting behind the circle and all of the kids went around and said what area they wanted to go to, justin said "blocks." hayden looked over at me, looked at justin and said "ok justin. you can go to blocks now." as he stuck out his arm as if to show him the way.
i was in charge of helping most kids write their names, count the hearts and write the numbers on their paper. then we would put the candy into a bowl and get it ready for them to take home. hayden wanted to try it more than once as he loves numbers and candy. i ended up making quite a few little friends and one of them even asked if i would sit next to her in circle time. when she asked me my name and i told her, hayden looked at her and said "that's my mom!!" that's right, i'm the cool mom. for now at least.
there was a cookie decorating table which hayden didn't really want to go to. he ended up going there very last, but he did it at least. he was mostly busy playing at the sand table and playing musical chairs.
snack was passed out and hayden surprisingly ate his whole cookie, even the parts with the frosting on it. usually he won't decorate the cookies at school because he doesn't want the frosting to "ruin it." what a weird kid.
the kids put their valentines into everybody's "mailbox" in their cubbies, they got their coats on, lined up, and headed down the hall towards the bus.
hayden came home and was able to open his valentine's day present from grandma and papa and from me and dave as he sorted through all of his valentines and asked to eat just about all of the candy that was given to him.
tonite as we left the bowling alley he asked me "is it still valentimes day?" yes. "after we go nite-nite and wake up will valentimes day be over?" yes.
so i guess it was a pretty good valentimes day for hayden. hope it was for you all too!

the math table:
musical chairs. why am i not surprised this was hayden's favorite?!:

the decorated classroom:
circle time:

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