Wednesday, December 30, 2009

hayden michael turns 7

i know i say it every year, but seven?! really, SEVEN?! that sounds so old. it sounds far more like an actual kids age than a little kid or baby. seven. it's crazy. i really cannot believe our mad rush to the hospital happened seven years ago today.
this year for hayden's birthday he requested a mario theme since he LOVES playing mario kart on wii. i found some sample mario cakes online and realized this was the year that i would have to take up fondant in order to decorate his cake. i put a few ideas from online together with some of my own and came up with a creation that i hoped would work out.
i was getting pretty nervous about making the cake since i had never even touched fondant let alone made a cake with it! so i started bright and early, just a little before 8am, and by 11am i was done! and actually a little impressed with myself! i think the cake turned out really well and hayden loved it, so that was all that really mattered!
i ran out to pick up the balloons and buy hayden's last but main gift...super mario brothers, and then headed back home to start decorating the basement.
hours fly by pretty quickly when you're trying to get so much done, but we got it done just in time for the guests to arrive at 7pm.
mom, dad, jenn and rainah came as did jack and caroline skiver, chadd, ashton and lorelei howard (melanie was working and we really missed her!), and our friend shawn stopped in from california! unfortunately, jessica and justin had to leave for tour early in the morning so they weren't able to celebrate with us. we sure missed them! and will for the next 3 months!
everyone ate snacks and watched while hayden played some wii until he realized everyone was there and asked if he could open presents.
hayden got several games...board games, leapster games and wii games, some hot wheels tracks from jessica and justin, and the monsters vs. aliens movie which he FLIPPED out about getting saying how badly he wanted to see it. he said something like "this is just what i've wanted to see all of my life, again!" because we did see it in the theater. good work, jenn, don and rainah! he also got an amazon gift card which he doesn't really get but i know he'll LOVE when we go online to pick something out, order it, and then have it come shipped right to him! and he got lots of money. he was also quite confused about the checks and what they were. i tried explaining that it's money that we will take to the bank but i still don't think he really understands that!
after the presents we sang happy birthday and dove into the cake and ice cream. all of that work only to peel the fondant off and throw it away. oh well, it looked good and that's all i cared about! and hayden ate one of the fondant turtle shells and said he liked hey, some people really do like it i guess.
the kids all played, hayden playing wii...of course, and then people started leaving. shawn, dave and hayden all played wii for awhile before shawn left and the boys headed for bed. the whole time hayden was complaining "but i don't want my birthday to be over yet!" he was so excited all day long and just kept saying "i'm seven years old today!!!" to which talan would reply "i'm two years old!!!"
so another great birthday for hayden and another year magically disappeared. i know it won't, but i sure hope this year passes a lot more quickly than the last seven!
happy seventh birthday, hayden michael. we love you so much!!!

the cake:
from all angles:

the setup:

talan entertained the guests as they arrived:

present time!:

because i always have to get a gift that matched the theme:
here is where hayden was opening jessica and justin's gift. he stood up with the card to show everyone, put on a sad, serious face and said "jessica and justin REALLY wanted to be here but they can't be. they are so sad they can't come. and i'm sad too. i'm really going to miss them.":

justica's gift of hot wheels:

he was very excited:

cake time:
hayden picked these candles out and i thought they would match with the cake. when i was opening them i saw that they were trick candles...something hayden knows nothing about. as i was telling people that fact, and as he was blowing them out, the immediately blew out and never came back. some trick:

asthon and talan:

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Jill, Hayden's cake is AMAZING! Wow. Will you make my next birthday cake?