so on thanksgiving i believe it was, we noticed that hayden had his first loose tooth. it wasn't super loose, and he was having a hard time even figuring out which one it was. when i would see him wiggling it, he would be trying to move it from side to side instead of front to back.
i kept meaning to check on it and then suddenly last nite he came running into the living room saying "mom! talan just jumped on my face and my tooth fell out! and it didn't even hurt!"
i was a little hesitant to tell him to come to the bathroom with me to wash up as there was some blood...he tends to freak out about blood. but when i told him he simply said, "yeah, i know." and went and put a washcloth on it.
we were checking it out in the mirror and i was thinking i didn't remember that being the tooth that was loose. i tried another one and sure enough, the one right next to the missing one was also loose.
hayden was SO excited and couldn't wait to call grandma and grandpa. while he was on the phone, talan looked in the mirror and came running out of the bathroom yelling "i have teeth!!" and he couldn't wait to tell grandma his big news!
last nite the tooth fairies debated on $2 or $3 and decided that $2 would be just fine. this morning when hayden woke up he was SO excited to find 8 quarters in his tooth pillow. then he mentioned "last time the tooth fairy gave me 3 dollar bills and this time i got $2 in quarters!" #1...i don't have any idea how he remembered what he got the last time (when he had his tooth pulled out back in january) i didn't even remember that it had happened. #2...thankfully he seemed excited and not bummed out.
and now the tooth fairy is wondering if the next tooth should be $2 or $3......
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