Saturday, January 9, 2010

missing bottom tooth update

hayden is now not just missing 1 bottom tooth, but 2! and not only that, he also has a top tooth that is loose as well! it took him awhile to start loosing them, but now they just won't stop coming out!
hayden lost this tooth today during lunch. i was in his room painting when i heard him run from the kitchen to the bathroom. then i heard him frantically go out to dave and start explaining the story. apparently he was eating lunch and felt something crunchy. he swallowed it thinking it was food, but pretty much right after swallowing he thought maybe it was more than just food. so he ran to the bathroom to check it out and realized it was his tooth that he had just swallowed. dave was able to talk him down pretty quickly and hayden didn't get too bent out of shape. he was mostly worried that he wouldn't get any money from the tooth fairy but dave explained she would still leave him money.
after that, he found the story to be pretty funny and especially loved telling uncle justin that his tooth would eventually just come out in his poop. thankfully he never went looking for it!!!

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