Monday, October 1, 2007

his obsession

hayden has this weird obsession with shoving stuffed animals inside his clothes, mostly when he's supposed to be taking a nap. i have gone in his room before to wake him up and he's had about 5 animals shoved up his pant legs. no explanation, they are just there. so a few weeks ago i walk in his room and find this:

then, not too many days later, i come upstairs to find talan like this:


Jessicox said...

holy crap...i've seriously not laughed that hard in a long time. i couldn't stop it....

oh man...i think hayden has issues....hahahaha

thanks for posting that - it made my life better

Jessicox said...

seriously - i had to come back to look at this again today.

still cracking up so hard i can't contain myself.

i still love that he's all sleeping with animals in his shirt/shorts and then you scroll down to see talan all happy as can be with a smile on his face but looks like he has a tumor in his belly. but - nope - it's just a stuffed animal....cuz that makes sense


rogue said...

This is fantastic! Do you know how much money you could save at the grocery store if you start putting Hayden's natural-born talent to use?!?