Wednesday, October 31, 2007

preschool halloween party

hayden's class halloween party was yesterday and i volunteered to help out. i was put in charge of the "mummy race" which was a kid wrapping another kid in toilet paper, jumping to a red line and then the wrapped kid wrapping the unwrapped kid in toilet paper and then jumping to the finish line. they all got a little frustrated at the fact that the toilet paper kept ripping off the roles, but none got as frustrated as hayden. shocking. they decorated cookies and played musical chairs and made pumpkin men out of egg cartons and hayden and had a very healthy snack of cookies and cupcakes and candy. they also went on a parade through the school to show off their costumes. my battery ran out of juice at the end and i missed the class photo op and the parade, but another mother told me she would email me a class photo.
most of the girls in his class were princesses. shocking. there was one superwoman. that was pretty rad. most of the boys were some kind of super power guy. teenage mutant ninja turtle, flash, darth vader. hayden was jack sparrow. one of the girls in his class came up to me and said "i know who hayden is. he's johnny depp. i LOVE johnny depp." that was probably the funniest moment of the day.
hayden didn't have a very good morning. there were lots of tears and not wanting to do things he was supposed to do. it proved to me even more that i made the right decision in not volunteering every week. i was told by his teacher that he never usually acts this way. what can i say, i bring out the best in him.

hayden's class in circle time:

the mummy race:

hayden was in tears over having to make his pumpkin man. after being threatened that he wouldn't be able to participate in the parade he finally did it:
hayden passing out his treats to the rest of the class:
the cheese and crackers were just an appetizer before the cupcakes came out:

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