Wednesday, September 19, 2007

mommy's little helper

i picked hayden up from school this morning and we headed home. when we walked in the door, i told hayden i was going to take a shower and that he should play for a bit until lunchtime. i put talan in his swing and realized he was not going to be happy as he was pretty tired. but i hoped that he would just fall asleep. a little bit into my shower, hayden came in and said "mom. talan is making me so mad because he is crying and he won't shut his mouth." i asked if he gave him his binky and he told me "yes. and it's not working." so i told him i would be out in just a bit and just ignore him and DO NOT put his hand over talan's mouth as he has done in the past. so i'm finishing up my shower and i'm thinking all of these thoughts about what hayden could be doing to him. when the water stops, i don't really hear crying. i knew it. he's dead. then i started to hear a little whining. oh phew. the world's best baby is still alive. i go out to get him and realize, yeah, he probably should eat now. so i go into the kitchen. the formula seems to be closer to the edge of the counter than i remember it. then i look over at the kitchen table and see a trail of formula dust and a bottle that looks full. so i ask hayden to come into the kitchen. i asked him what he did and he said "i tried to make him a bottle, but it's not working." when i opened the formula container it seemed to be quite a bit lower than i remembered it being. i asked him how many scoops he put in and he simply said "a lot." i went over to get the bottle and realized there wasn't even any water in it. i guess he decided to use the bottle that talan had used earlier in the morning and just fill it up with formula. then he shook it and tried feeding talan. i'm sure this didn't go over so well with talan when he realized nothing would come out and then hayden just put it on the table and went to his room to play.
see, even hayden knows this kid only really cries when he's hungry. he was just trying to help out since their horrible mother was taking a shower and not feeding the poor hungry baby. now i'm scared of what will happen next time now that hayden realizes there has to be WATER in the bottle as well.

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