Sunday, April 1, 2007

hayden's room: old and new

so i finally took the time to download these photos onto dave's laptop so i could post them for all to enjoy. for whatever reason we can't get our camera to download to our home computer. one of these days i'll (meaning i'll get someone to) figure it out for me and the posts will be much more current and organized. until then, take what you can get.

so when we were getting the new office and nursery put together, there was a lot of shifting of furniture from one room to another. we had to take some of hayden's furniture and give him new stuff. he pretty much already had a "big boy room" so i guess this would just be the new and improved big boy room. here are the results.

before the great furniture exchange:

after the great furniture exchange:

here is what hayden thought about his new and improved room:

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