Monday, April 16, 2007

crusty eyes

so yesterday hayden had some gunk coming out of his eyes. by the end of the nite is was so bad i wanted to vomit. they weren't red or itchy or hurting. just gross. today would have been his first day back to school since spring break, and since becoming a big brother, but we kept him home since people most likely would have avoided him like the plague. i called the dr. to ask if he should be seen or not. they said he should be since it could have been pink eye, even though it was red. or itchy. or hurty. so i ventured out for the first time with 2 kids. and of course, it's not talan i need to worry about, it's hayden. but even he did ok. for a bit.
hayden actually told me he wanted to go to the dr. i had been asking if his eye hurt and it was always no. i told him that in the morning if it was still bad we might have to skip school and go to the dr. well, this morning, he couldn't open his eye. which i figured would happen since it was so bad last nite. but he was really calm about it. but when we started to get dressed he would say "MOM, you can't put my shirt on, my eye hurts." "well, mom, you can't put my socks on, i have a hurt eye." and he kept saying that we just had to go to the dr. so i'm not sure why when the dr. came in and simply touched him he FREAKED OUT and started screaming. and that didn't end until we left the room. our pediatrician is great and looked in both of his ears really quickly while we both held him down. and after about 2 seconds she said, "yup, he has an ear infection in this ear." she said that about 80% of the time if there is gunk coming out the eye, it's an ear infection. hayden actually has only ever had 1 i believe. and that was the time we ended up in the ER for 12 hours a few weeks before his first birthday. so once again. if the junk wasn't pouring out of his eye making me want to vomit, we never would have known that hayden had anything wrong with him.
he should be back in school tomorrow even though his eye still looks pretty bad. and we have to make him drink this medicine twice a day for 10 days and then put drops in his eye 3 times a day for 5-7 days. yeah. right. i've done it once already with my mom helping to hold him down. and i'm dreading the next 10 days.

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