Thursday, June 17, 2010

webster elementary update

today we received the letter from webster elementary telling us that hayden did not make it in, once again this year.
all of his scores were above average, but most were not at the level they require in order to place a student in their school. they require their broad reading, broad math and composite percentile ranks to be in the 96th percentile.
hayden's broad reading score was 85% and his broad math was 98%. he's always been better at math than reading, and his scores last year also reflected this.
his verbal reasoning ability score was 69%
quantitative reasoning ability score was 79%
and his nonverbal reasoning ability score was 84%
the composite score is put together by using the results from the three reasoning ability scores above. his composite score was 79%
i didn't go in to this thinking he was going to get in, as he didn't last year. however, after speaking to one of the ladies that gave him his tests, i raised my hopes a bit.
so i am a bit disappointed that he didn't get in. and not because i want him to go to a "smart kid school" but because i don't want him to be in redford schools much longer.
we do have him on the waiting list for 2 charter schools in canton that i have heard good things about. he won't be able to get in this coming year for 2nd grade but there is a possibility he could get in for 3rd grade.
so for now, he'll be attending stuckey elementary come the fall for his second grade year. now we're just hoping and praying he gets a teacher that challenges him the way his teacher this year did.
i am confident he did not get into webster for a reason and that it will all work out the way it is supposed to.

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