Friday, April 30, 2010

spring soccer

for the past 2 years we have put hayden in soccer during the fall. the place that we take him also does a spring soccer which we have never done. this year we decided it would be a good idea to put him in it for the spring as well.
unfortunately, the first game day...april 23rd, was rained out. so we went over to the field to pick up his shirt...this year he's on a new field with the oldest kids (7 and 8 year olds) and on the yellow team. he was very happy that he was on yellow and not on the purple team.
so today was the first game hayden had. it was a little chaotic as there was only one coach and the field was really wet from all of the rain we've been getting. but hayden still seemed to really enjoy himself.
talan just wanted to get out on the field and kick a ball around as well. it's going to be pretty difficult to keep him on the sidelines this time around! in the fall he'll probably be able to play as well though!

hayden as goalie:
talan sitting RIGHT behind the line:
talan wanting in on the action:

talan was scared that dave was only holding his feet. so he held dave's face:
hayden blocking the ball:

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