Monday, October 12, 2009

it's that soccer time of year

last fall we signed hayden up for a little soccer league in livonia and he loved it. we ended up missing the spring league but signed him up again this fall.
hayden has a great time and has great control of the ball. he also will run as far as he has to to get the ball and get it in the net! he has scored several times this season, and his team hasn't lost a game (there has been 1 or 2 where there hasn't been any score though).
unfortunately, this saturday is the last soccer game of the season and the pizza party but hayden will have to miss it. dave is taking him to a u of m football game that day instead. he is a bit bummed and a little worried that he won't get his trophy but i was assured that it will be hand delivered to our house some time next week.
hayden seems to really have grown this past year. if someone has taken the ball from him, he'll start to get upset but then he lets it go. ahhh, progress.
he still seems to love it and does really well. we may need to start looking into a more formal kind of league for him.

hayden practicing as goalie:

the orange team. i totally forgot to take his sweatshirt off for the team photo:
i realized after coming home that hayden was covering his soccer ball with grass:
and talan must have been watching him:

team huddle:
hayden ready to stop anything that comes his way:

hayden actually almost got kicked out of this game for sliding too much:

throwing the ball in:

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