Saturday, October 31, 2009

wild thing

i really wanted talan to be max from where the wild things are this year for halloween, but i couldn't find any costumes. any i did find were over $70.
i ran out to the store today and ended up finding a max sleeper and fell in love with it. unfortunately they only had it in hayden's size, but i decided to get it for him as he probably makes a better max than talan does anyway.
the pj's were super soft and had a hood on it, which was a little weird but fitting for the max get up. i brought them home and showed hayden and he was really standoffish about the whole thing. it took a lot of convincing to even make him try them on for me.
i eventually did get him to put them on for a few pictures and then we brought them to mom and dad's for him to wear after trick-or-treating when he got ready for bed. he once again had another fit about wearing them so i decided i'd just return them. but at least i got a few pictures of it.

Friday, October 30, 2009

first grade halloween party

hayden only had a half day of school the day before halloween but they had a full day planned. each class had a halloween party planned and the whole school was supposed to walk around the neighborhood for their halloween parade. talan and i had planned on going to watch, and of course take pictures, but unfortunately it was raining all morning so they had to cancel the parade.
hayden still got dressed up and took a baggie of treats in for each of his classmates.
he came home and said he had a great time, despite not being able to walk in the parade.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

hayden's second trip to the big house

hayden was able to go to another u of m football game with dave this year and he seemed to really enjoy it once again. he apparently really liked running up and rolling down a big hill...shocker.
it was pretty cold out, but hayden stayed nice and warm in his brand new michigan sweatshirt he had picked out a few days earlier just for the occasion.
hayden had such a great time, he wrote a story about it several weeks later at school. he was able to read it out loud to his class and then it was put into a book for the parents to look at at conferences. his story went like this:

hayden's second day of watching football

i went to a football game with my daddy. we had a good time there. i like watching football with my dad. but not on tv. he says "yes." i say "no. not on tv. no, no no noooooooo." the end.

what could be better than a michigan football game?! running up a hill....
and then rolling down it:

Monday, October 12, 2009

it's that soccer time of year

last fall we signed hayden up for a little soccer league in livonia and he loved it. we ended up missing the spring league but signed him up again this fall.
hayden has a great time and has great control of the ball. he also will run as far as he has to to get the ball and get it in the net! he has scored several times this season, and his team hasn't lost a game (there has been 1 or 2 where there hasn't been any score though).
unfortunately, this saturday is the last soccer game of the season and the pizza party but hayden will have to miss it. dave is taking him to a u of m football game that day instead. he is a bit bummed and a little worried that he won't get his trophy but i was assured that it will be hand delivered to our house some time next week.
hayden seems to really have grown this past year. if someone has taken the ball from him, he'll start to get upset but then he lets it go. ahhh, progress.
he still seems to love it and does really well. we may need to start looking into a more formal kind of league for him.

hayden practicing as goalie:

the orange team. i totally forgot to take his sweatshirt off for the team photo:
i realized after coming home that hayden was covering his soccer ball with grass:
and talan must have been watching him:

team huddle:
hayden ready to stop anything that comes his way:

hayden actually almost got kicked out of this game for sliding too much:

throwing the ball in: