Tuesday, April 7, 2009

bingo for books

march was reading month which meant we did a lot of reading and reading activities around the house. one of the activities was bingo for books at hayden's school on march 20th.
dave stayed home with talan while hayden and i went to his school to play. neither one of us had very good luck, but in the end, all of the kids were able to turn in their 2 tickets (and their parents 2 tickets) to pick out some new books.
hayden also entered another webkinz raffle but this time he wasn't so lucky with that either. he started to have a bit of a meltdown telling me it wasn't fair, but he very quickly stopped and then happily read me one of his new books on the way home.
he seemed to have a good time even though he never really was able to shout "bingo!" and he got 4 great new books out of the deal.

ready to win some books:
we eventually started playing on 3 boards instead of 2 and we still couldn't win:
doing his best impression of the cover of one of his new books:

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