Sunday, April 19, 2009

spring break 2009!

hayden is just finishing up with his spring break week which was a VERY busy week indeed. no trips filled with sunshine and beaches, but we did visit the dr. office several times (never for him), he went to a gifted school in livonia to have some testing done (he was testing to see if he can get in to that school for next year...results to come probably this coming week), had a sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house, went to see monsters vs. aliens 3d with his pal ellanore and went to see a fireflight show.
i'll post some fireflight pictures on the main blog, but here are a couple of pictures from the movie:

hayden and ella dancing at the end of the movie:

Monday, April 13, 2009

hayden's first big house experience

on saturday, dave and hayden went to ann arbor with chadd and ashton to watch the spring something-or-other u of m football game. it was free which meant it was the perfect game to take hayden to for the first time to see how he liked it.
apparently hayden was so excited that he hardly stopped to take a breathe while talking the ENTIRE time in the car. then when dave and hayden got out of the car to run into a store real quick, hayden was literally bouncing while standing next to dave. the lady ringing them up looked at him and said "excited are you?" and hayden said "yes! this is going to be the biggest day EVER!"
from conversations i've had with hayden, he seems to have really enjoyed himself. although dave did tell me that he really just wanted to run up and down the stands. which comes as no shock to anyone that knows him. he also really loved the popcorn.
i asked hayden who won the game and he told me "both the blue and the white did. it was 28 to 28." i had no idea why in the world a game would end in a tie so i decided in order to write this blog i would need to ask dave if that was correct. and i'd also need to ask him who michigan played against.
it turns out it did end in a tie. and u of m played against u of m. really?!
so i guess they enjoyed themselves and are already planning on going back next year when they will go way too early to take a tour of the locker rooms and some other football related stuff. who knows, maybe talan will even go.

i guess these are brand new press boxes. exciting, huh?!:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

kindergarten photo

apparently having your picture taken once per school year isn't enough, so lifetime photos came and took a "spring" round of photos. i just ignored the letter and didn't even think about it again until hayden came home with his photos that were available to purchase. he was standing with his arms crossed and actually a very nice smile in front of a spring backdrop. hayden asked "i wonder where i was?"
included in the package was a picture of his whole class. instead of buying it for $12, i had dave scan it. so here it is:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

bingo for books

march was reading month which meant we did a lot of reading and reading activities around the house. one of the activities was bingo for books at hayden's school on march 20th.
dave stayed home with talan while hayden and i went to his school to play. neither one of us had very good luck, but in the end, all of the kids were able to turn in their 2 tickets (and their parents 2 tickets) to pick out some new books.
hayden also entered another webkinz raffle but this time he wasn't so lucky with that either. he started to have a bit of a meltdown telling me it wasn't fair, but he very quickly stopped and then happily read me one of his new books on the way home.
he seemed to have a good time even though he never really was able to shout "bingo!" and he got 4 great new books out of the deal.

ready to win some books:
we eventually started playing on 3 boards instead of 2 and we still couldn't win:
doing his best impression of the cover of one of his new books: