Thursday, October 9, 2008

we'll see how long the mask stays on

this year hayden decided he wants to be spiderman for halloween. i really have no idea how he even knows about spiderman because i sure never taught him about him.
when he was looking at the costumes i kept trying to make him realize this costume comes with a mask. a mask that goes over your face that you wear while you're trick-or-treating. he was concerned for a second that he wouldn't be able to see, but when i assured him he would be able to, he assured me that's still what he wanted to be.
so i bought the majority of the costume last weekend and we had him try it on. he wore it for a bit but seemed quite glad to finally take the mask off. i've asked several times if this is really what he wants to be and if he is going to leave the mask on for trick-or-treating. he says he does and he will, so we'll see. spiderman just may come unmasked this year and have his true identity revealed.

i told him to pose and this is what i got. hmmmm:
much better pose:
it took him awhile to get this down:
then it just turned into "rock on, i'm spiderman!":