Thursday, July 24, 2008

how his mind works

so the other week we took a trip to the dr. for talan's 15 month check up. as we were getting off the expressway i noticed a state policeman on a motorcycle and i pointed it out to hayden. he thought it was pretty cool that a policeman was on a motorcycle. then we saw another one, and then another.
as we drove past them hayden said "that's crazy. whoever heard of a policeman on a motorcycle before?! it only has one seat! hey mom! he can't take me to jail on a motorcycle because it only has one seat!"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

santa delivers

this year for christmas hayden actually asked for something other than "a new thomas christmas train, a new percy christmas train and a new james christmas train." what he asked for: aquadots. santa got those aquadots about a week or two before there was a major recall on them because of the simple fact that they contained the date rape drug.
so santa gave hayden the aquadots machine for christmas with a note stating that the elves were busy making the actual "dots" and they would deliver them just as soon as they could.
in all of those months, hayden has asked a couple of times if the aquadots had been delivered yet. i made several calls to the north pole after originally being told they MIGHT be done before christmas, then it was moved to january, then april, then june, then i gave up.
then today i heard a jingle at my door and when i went to get the mail realized the elves had FINALLY finished those dots. now called "pixos" which will be in stores by early august (i certainly hope so because our initial shipment of 1000 is going quickly.)
the company sent a note apologizing for everything and making sure i knew that these new and improved dots were completely safe and were no longer made by the same chinese company that made the original date rape dots. my favorite part of the letter? where it said "we learnt a lot." guess the northpole doesn't have spell check. or english classes.
hayden was so excited to finally get his aquadots he almost wanted to stay in and not go swimming. he eventually decided he would swim a little bit and then come in to play with his new christmas gift.
he loved them, although he had a bit of an issue. at one point he must have added an extra dot to a dog he was making then what the sample called for and he freaked out a bit. i kept telling him it was fine and he can make anything that he wants. he quickly got over it. then, later that evening while dave and i were out he apparently had a total meltdown while jessica was watching him. crying and asking "why can't i do anything right? why do i always mess everything up all the time?" he was overly tired from 3 days of being outside with no naps and eventually got over his anal/controlling issues.
the next day he even decided to give the boy he was making a different color pair of pants. then decided to just give him blue like the sample said. but then he made the boys eyes two different colors. but then rethought that and decided to just make them black like the sample asked. oh well, at least he likes to follow directions some of the time!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

hayden jumps and swims...but mostly jumps

would keep him up and even less trust that after not swimming in a big pool for a year or two, hayden was not too fond of aunt ruth and uncle jeff's pool in florida when we went in november of 2006. he refused to even go on the stairs of the "big pool" and strictly stayed in the little hot tub area. he had absolutely no trust that the floatiesdave would. any time dave got out of the pool and started walking anywhere close to hayden, hayden would jump up and run away, screaming.
last year we took him to a lake once and he actually did surprisingly well for the short amount of time that we were actually in it.
just a few days ago, jessica let us come over to a house she was house sitting at so the boys could play on the trampoline and swim. as soon as we got there hayden was up on the ladder trying to climb down into the pool. we told him he wouldn't be able to touch the bottom and we helped him put the floaties on. he couldn't wait to get in.
at first he floated around with the floaties on his arms and a ring around him. he then lost the ring and moved on to a raft. a bit later, he was swimming around with only the floaties on his arm. he still had no trust in dave but did a fairly good job of listening when dave and justin tried teaching him how to kick his legs and move his arms.
soon hayden was jumping off of the ladder making the jumps further and further out. at one point he jumped over dave. and then he even jumped INTO the floating ring and actually made it his very first try. i thought i had gotten that on video, but i'm not seeing it now so i guess not.
hayden has been talking about the pool and swimming ever since. we'll have to find some bigger pools and lakes to take him to this summer. and he has been requesting to go on water slides ever since he found out they existed from the back of a cereal box.