Saturday, June 7, 2008

a spring fling thing

ast month hayden's class was able to take a field trip to macgowan....his new school. when we were there, the principal told us that we were all invited to their end of the year spring fling.
so after a long day at the sprinkler park on friday, the four of us headed over to the school to eat some food, see some magic, get a tattoo and play some games.
hayden saw several of his friends from his class as well as the two little boys in the house directly behind us that he plays with. even with a sunburn, hayden didn't slow down. he got in as much as he could before we headed off to grandma's house to take a trip to cone zone with jessica and justin (pictures on mommy's blog).
hayden can't wait to attend macgowan!

as soon as we got there, he couldn't wait to go down this slide:

and then on to the moonwalk:

talan wouldn't let dave take him down:
"the magic of jason" he was no gob, let me tell you:
a snow cone and a cake walk:
one day he will break a bone:

hayden tried several times, but was too afraid to go down the pole himself:
daddy finally helped him out:


1 comment:

Brickmyers said...

"where did the lighter fluid come from?