Wednesday, December 19, 2007

christmas cookies

hayden loves to help bake, and grandma loves his help. so yesterday after school we headed to her house to help her out with some sugar cookies. hayden loves to help use the cookie cutters and decorate them with sprinkles. and lots of them. we're always telling him not to use to so much. at one point, i was decorating a snowflake cookie with white sprinkles. hayden looked down and it and say "JILL!!!! that's WAY to much white sprinkles!" he listens, he just doesn't obey.
he helped with almost all of them until about the last batch or so when he looked at mom and said "well, grandma, you can finish the rest because there aren't too many more. i'm just so tired." and off he went to play. not before he ate a cookie or two, of course.

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