Wednesday, October 31, 2007

preschool halloween party

hayden's class halloween party was yesterday and i volunteered to help out. i was put in charge of the "mummy race" which was a kid wrapping another kid in toilet paper, jumping to a red line and then the wrapped kid wrapping the unwrapped kid in toilet paper and then jumping to the finish line. they all got a little frustrated at the fact that the toilet paper kept ripping off the roles, but none got as frustrated as hayden. shocking. they decorated cookies and played musical chairs and made pumpkin men out of egg cartons and hayden and had a very healthy snack of cookies and cupcakes and candy. they also went on a parade through the school to show off their costumes. my battery ran out of juice at the end and i missed the class photo op and the parade, but another mother told me she would email me a class photo.
most of the girls in his class were princesses. shocking. there was one superwoman. that was pretty rad. most of the boys were some kind of super power guy. teenage mutant ninja turtle, flash, darth vader. hayden was jack sparrow. one of the girls in his class came up to me and said "i know who hayden is. he's johnny depp. i LOVE johnny depp." that was probably the funniest moment of the day.
hayden didn't have a very good morning. there were lots of tears and not wanting to do things he was supposed to do. it proved to me even more that i made the right decision in not volunteering every week. i was told by his teacher that he never usually acts this way. what can i say, i bring out the best in him.

hayden's class in circle time:

the mummy race:

hayden was in tears over having to make his pumpkin man. after being threatened that he wouldn't be able to participate in the parade he finally did it:
hayden passing out his treats to the rest of the class:
the cheese and crackers were just an appetizer before the cupcakes came out:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

part of my heart was taken away on bus #12

i put hayden in school just weeks after he turned 3. they offered busing but no way was i going to take them up on that offer. just sending him to school was heartbreak enough. last year i drove him to school every morning on my way to work and mom picked him up every afternoon. when i had talan, i continued to drive him and pick him up. it worked out perfectly. talan slept the entire time in his car seat. then this year came. and i still refused the bus. but just weeks after school started, i started realizing it wasn't fair to talan. i had to wake talan up once, if not twice in order to drop hayden off and pick him up. so that made for a crabby talan many days.
last week i decided to simply call and ask about busing, making no commitments. the person i needed to talk to was in a meeting and i was told they would call me back. nobody ever called. all of a sudden, friday at about 4pm i got a phone call. i answer to hear the person say "ok, so we have hayden scheduled to start riding the bus starting on monday morning. is that correct?" my heart sank. uh, really? that soon? so the weekend was filled with anxiety and me waking up in the middle of the nite sick to my stomach at the thought of watching him get on a bus.
it's not that big of a deal. he's already in school. but it's just another little thing that shows me he's getting older and he doesn't need me all the time. it was an awful decision i had to make. i would have much rathered him gone on the bus next year for kindergarten. at this point, next year will be a piece of cake. he'll have been in school for 2 1/2 years already and he will have taken the bus for a full year. so i guess this is almost like me sending him off to kindergarten.
yesterday morning we got all ready and waited outside with camera in hand. the bus was supposed to be there around 8:17am. 8:25 came and went. still no bus. finally, at 8:30am, the time school actually starts, i realized a bus was not coming. so i go inside, pack talan up and we all load up in the car. turns out there were a bunch of bus drivers out yesterday. so between that and hayden being brand new, he just got missed. great. i was all ready to rip that bandaid off and now i have to go through it again another day!
so this morning, once again, we head outside with camera in hand to wait for the bus. we waited and waited. i was beginning to think he got left behind again. but suddenly, bus number 12 appeared. hayden was so excited when he actually saw it turn the corner. it stopped in front of our house and hayden turned back to me to give me a hug and a kiss. then he headed up the stairs. the bus driver was super sweet and actually told him to stop at the top of the stairs and look at me so i could get a good picture of him. of course he wasn't actually looking at the camera, but it was good enough. and so bus #12 took off with a piece of my heart.
thank goodness for cameras. i really hardly thought about the whole "my baby is getting on a bus" thing because i was so focused on getting a few good shots. so no tears were shed and hopefully the anxiety will now be over and i can just enjoy not having to drop him off and pick him up every day. especially come the winter time.
when the bus came back to drop him off, he jumped off and when i asked how the bus ride was he simply said "the bus is AWESOME!" and then while heading into the house he looked at me and said "aren't you glad to have me back home?" yes, hayden. i am glad to have you back home. at least for that moment.

waiting patiently for the bus:
looking for the bus:
listening for the bus:
this is when he sat on the neighbors tree stump and said "i'm giving up" he's so dramatic:
here it finally comes a day late:
right after hayden saw the bus rounding the corner:

and just like that, he was gone. stupid tinted windows didn't let me take pictures of him sitting in his seat:
just getting home:

"the bus is awesome!":

Monday, October 1, 2007

his obsession

hayden has this weird obsession with shoving stuffed animals inside his clothes, mostly when he's supposed to be taking a nap. i have gone in his room before to wake him up and he's had about 5 animals shoved up his pant legs. no explanation, they are just there. so a few weeks ago i walk in his room and find this:

then, not too many days later, i come upstairs to find talan like this: