Thursday, August 30, 2007

sprinkler park

in yet another attempt to cram summer into these last few weeks before school starts, today we took a trip to the sprinkler park in plymouth. we met up with jenne, trey and marissa villanueva and jenny, emily and stephen crager. it was a little on the cool side, especially first thing in the morning, but that didn't stop trey and hayden from jumping in the second we got there. they actually came out several times to warm up, but eventually went right back in. it was a good day with no time outs and no screaming. at the end of the day i did have to pack everything, including myself, into the car and pretend to leave before hayden would actually get in. but in my book, that's a near perfect day.

about 10:30am and maybe 73 degrees:

trey and hayden play great together, and if i could, i'd let the 2 of them hang out and entertain each other every day:

talan came too. again, here's what he did. actually, he did quite a bit of rolling over, especially down the hill:
jenne and marissa, just 6 weeks old. she'll catch up to talan in no time:
we took a break from the sprinkler park to play on the play structure and sand box. hayden mostly just wanted to throw sand and watch his shadow while doing so:

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