Thursday, August 30, 2007

sprinkler park

in yet another attempt to cram summer into these last few weeks before school starts, today we took a trip to the sprinkler park in plymouth. we met up with jenne, trey and marissa villanueva and jenny, emily and stephen crager. it was a little on the cool side, especially first thing in the morning, but that didn't stop trey and hayden from jumping in the second we got there. they actually came out several times to warm up, but eventually went right back in. it was a good day with no time outs and no screaming. at the end of the day i did have to pack everything, including myself, into the car and pretend to leave before hayden would actually get in. but in my book, that's a near perfect day.

about 10:30am and maybe 73 degrees:

trey and hayden play great together, and if i could, i'd let the 2 of them hang out and entertain each other every day:

talan came too. again, here's what he did. actually, he did quite a bit of rolling over, especially down the hill:
jenne and marissa, just 6 weeks old. she'll catch up to talan in no time:
we took a break from the sprinkler park to play on the play structure and sand box. hayden mostly just wanted to throw sand and watch his shadow while doing so:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

cookies? or sleep?

yesterday we took a little trip to fenton to visit my bff melanie and her children ashton and lorelei. we're trying to fit in all of the activities we can before school starts, which we just found out starts on the 18th. after leaving her house we stopped off at the grocery store near her house since they had a sale one something i really wanted. i told hayden that if he was good i'd get him a snack to eat in the car. after a day with about 3 time outs he was shockingly good in the store and he chose the oreo cookie 100 calorie snack packs. we got into the car and once we were on the road i gave him a pack of cookies. as we were nearing home, i realized i hadn't heard him in a while and figured after eating the cookies he'd fallen asleep. i look behind me and he was out. we ended up in a traffic jam and while at a dead stop i took a closer look at him. he had a streak of chocolate from his mouth down his chin which made him look like a vampire. and he also still had his hand in the bag of cookies. i guess while going in for another cookie, he realized he just couldn't stay awake any longer and he passed out. i had the camera and took some pictures. a few minutes later i heard the bag and figured he woke up. i turned around to see him rubbing his face with the bad on his hand still, and he continued sleeping. it was a funny sight and i'm glad we can share it with you.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

the dude

one of dave's fellow co-workers is leaving ledco and yesterday was his last day. so last nite, after work, they headed to a bowling alley to say goodbye. i took hayden and talan up there and figured we'd let hayden try it out. we played about 4 games and by the last game he had gotten quite good. of course we didn't allow him to use bumpers, because honestly, if he got a strike with bumpers would it really have counted?! the answer is no. he ended up scoring a 72 on his last game, and only 10 pins didn't actually count since bobby flowers helped him out a little. but he ended up getting 2 totally legit strikes during the evening all on his own. he started the evening with a 6 pound ball, and by the end, he was using my 8 pounder.
i am now looking into the fall bowling leagues that are starting up in september and figure we'll sign him up. this morning when he woke up he came into our room and said "after you get done taking your nap, can we go bowling again?"
i don't mean to brag and take the spotlight off of hayden, but i did bowl a 117, 134 and 139. i'm just saying.

i didn't end up getting video of his strikes, but here's a little bit of the action:

the 16 pound ball was quite tempting to him, but he stuck with the 6, 7 and 8 pounder:
what form:
it looks like a strike, but it most likely turned at the last minute:

dave taught him this fun trick at the end of the nite:
talan was there too. with bobby flowers: