Tuesday, June 12, 2007

field day

remember field day in elementary school? well, with hayden's last day of school being today, they held a field day last friday. it was supposed to be outside with different "stations" the kids could play at. we get there and about 5 minutes later, it starts to rain. so we're moved inside to the gym. i can't even begin to tell you the mad chaos field day became. a gym filled with "special" kids riding bikes trying to dodge adults and other kids playing at other stations in the gym. not to mention that it was about 90 degrees in there. while outside, hayden basically just wanted to play on the play structure. once we were inside, he decided he only wanted to ride bikes and then occasionally play at the water station where he would dump water over his head. he ate popsicles and cookies and then we went home. the funniest moment of the day was when i watched as an adult set up all of the bowling pins in a perfectly straight line for some kids and hayden zoomed by on his bike and took out the last 5 pins or so, on purpose of course, and rode away pumping his fist yelling "YES!." i had to tell him no, but man did i just want to sit back, laugh, and watch him do it over and over again.
here's some photos of our fun:

hayden hoping that vivian would stay at the bottom so he could run into her:
julianna and hayden:
one of the rare moments he wasn't dumping the water on his head:
riding on the line as he does so often:
hayden and almost 3 year old brendan. this kid is one of the only kids i've seen that can keep up with hayden. and he's a year and a half younger than him. sorry the photo is blurry, i don't have a "hayden" setting on my camera and the sports setting just isn't fast enough:

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