Sunday, May 13, 2007

thomas the tank engine

a couple of weeks ago gramdma, papa, jenn, rainah, dave, hayden, talan and myself all headed to greenfield village for "a day out with thomas." this was our 3rd year, and let me tell gets more and more exciting each year. at least it does for hayden. this is probably his favorite day of the year. it was rainy, windy and cold but we still enjoyed singing along to the thomas cd that we are made to listen to on a daily basis during our 20 minute train ride. there were lots of other festivities as well. here are some highlights from the day.

hayden and thomas. last year he treated this photo op as if thomas was the easter bunny. this year he couldn't wait to stand up on the wooden block and have his picture taken with him:
on thomas and going about 2 miles an hour:
hayden really needs to follow the directions on this sign:
we used to stand in line for concert tickets. now we stand in line in the pouring rain just to see thomas. but this is the look on his face, so it's worth it:
we're hardcore parents so we let him get a tattoo at the age of 4:
hayden loves to get as close to the trains as possible. one day, his hair WILL get stuck in the wheels:
thomas, a cow, and hayden:
just waiting to get run down by a train:
time to leave. we'll be back next year though. and we can't wait:

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