Monday, May 28, 2007

train table

hayden loves trains. and train tables. i always avoid going into any store that i know has a train table because i know i'll never be able to get him out of there. papa recently started making him a train table of his very own and the other day the official train board was delivered to complete it. here is what he does most of his day now:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

you've got to be kidding me

so talan and i were just released from the hospital yesterday. i made his follow up appointment for thursday and rescheduled my dr. appointment for friday. which meant we'd end up at the dr. every day this week except for today.
last nite, hayden kept getting out of bed with a different excuse each time. this morning he climbed into our bed and said his ears hurt which was one of the excuses he has last nite. my mom had told me that he woke up yesterday morning and his eye was a little puffy and had a little junk coming from it, but nothing major. so, as he's telling me his ear hurts i'm realizing he most likely has another ear infection. does this mean i have to go to the dr. today as well?!?!
hayden has had to go to the dr. for non check up related issues maybe 3 or 4 times in his life. so the fact that he has now had 2 ear infections in a month is just insane to me. maybe he was jealous that talan was getting so much dr. attention. maybe he's trying to do his part in spending as much insurance money as he can. it's sweet of him, but i would rather he do it when we weren't already surrounded in sickness.
so i call and talk to the nurse to ask her if i should bring hayden in today since i'm coming in tomorrow with talan. she said it was up to me and that it was more a matter of the comfort factor than anything else. she told me i could give hayden some tylenol to help with the pain and just bring him in tomorrow. so that's what i plan on doing. at least i'll have 1 dr. free day this week.
he actually just ended up throwing up about 1/2 hour ago as well. but the nurse had said that many times nausea is a symptom of an ear infection as well.
welcome to being a mother of 2 i guess, huh?!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

dinner time

hayden is a horrible eater. just horrible. he has about 4 things that he will eat and if you put anything other than those 4 things on his plate, he freaks out. he loves frozen waffles. and by frozen waffles i mean that they are still frozen when he eats them. usually covered in applesauce. and when we can get him to eat frozen chicken nuggets, those are also still frozen. i make him allow me to heat up the frozen baby corn dogs for a couple of seconds seeing as though he would never be able to bite through them otherwise.
we really don't even know when and why his pickyness started. as a baby he was a great eater. when we started him on the jarred baby foods he ate all of them. and by all of them, i mean he even ate that gross disgusting meat. then he moved to solids and he still was a pretty good eater. then little by little he started refusing foods that he used to eat all the time. and now we are in the position we are currently in.
and even though hayden hardly eats anything all day long and he is in constant motion, he still is a total brick house. well over a year ago we cut out all snacks throughout the day so that he would be hungry for mealtime. but he doesn't care. his will power is much stronger than that.
finally the other week i had decided that it was enough. i was tired of making 2 different things for all of us to eat and i was tired of the same old fight every nite. how would he ever try anything if we didn't make him. so i decided to start making him eat what we were having. and by that, i simply mean i would put it on his plate and the rest would be up to him. i still will give him some applesauce and about 5 crackers but he gets nothing else for the rest of the nite if he doesn't eat what we're having. it has gone exactly the way i knew it would go. he had a freak out fit when i put it on his plate and then refused to eat it. and him not being allowed to have anything the rest of the nite usually doesn't effect him.
until last nite. i made a chicken dish that consisted of chicken, tortillas, onion, cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, cheese and some spices. he had a fit. typical. but suddenly he was really interested in getting to eat some pop rocks. so he started bartering with me. 3 bites? how about 5 bites? all of it, really?! but bit by bit, he did it. he ate everything i put on his plate. now sure, it took him about an hour to do it and we were long gone from the table but he ate it. and didn't really complain.
think it'll go that well tonite? i doubt it. but he'll eventually realize that this is the way our house is running now. so he'd better suck it up and eat. if he doesn't....i'll just continue to save money for when he's in high school and i can't get him to stop eating.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

thomas the tank engine

a couple of weeks ago gramdma, papa, jenn, rainah, dave, hayden, talan and myself all headed to greenfield village for "a day out with thomas." this was our 3rd year, and let me tell gets more and more exciting each year. at least it does for hayden. this is probably his favorite day of the year. it was rainy, windy and cold but we still enjoyed singing along to the thomas cd that we are made to listen to on a daily basis during our 20 minute train ride. there were lots of other festivities as well. here are some highlights from the day.

hayden and thomas. last year he treated this photo op as if thomas was the easter bunny. this year he couldn't wait to stand up on the wooden block and have his picture taken with him:
on thomas and going about 2 miles an hour:
hayden really needs to follow the directions on this sign:
we used to stand in line for concert tickets. now we stand in line in the pouring rain just to see thomas. but this is the look on his face, so it's worth it:
we're hardcore parents so we let him get a tattoo at the age of 4:
hayden loves to get as close to the trains as possible. one day, his hair WILL get stuck in the wheels:
thomas, a cow, and hayden:
just waiting to get run down by a train:
time to leave. we'll be back next year though. and we can't wait: