Wednesday, February 14, 2007

the big brother

hayden has been a bit confused as to what the difference is in being a big boy and a big brother. one day he was getting dressed and he looked up at a picture of me and dave when i was pregnant with him, a picture that has been there for 4 years now. this was the conversation that followed:
"is that you before the baby popped out of your tummy?"
"yes. that was me when YOU were in my tummy before YOU popped out"
"yeah, and daddy was a little boy and then i popped out of your tummy and then he was a big boy. when this baby pops out then i will be a big boy like daddy."
um. sure.
on other big brother news. we have been asking what hayden thinks we should name the baby. one day he was playing his video game and he said the baby's name should be spaceship. the next day he changed his mind and said it should be rocketship. a day or two later we asked him again what the baby's name should be and he said "stop." i told him no, that's what his name should be. but stop has stuck. he honestly thinks we are going to name the baby stop. i guess this kid has a nickname already.

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