Monday, February 16, 2009

first attempt at a 2-wheeler

the other week we loaded up the car with the hummer and hayden's bike so that they could ride around dave's shop after church. we let hayden ride his bike for a little bit before we took the training wheels off and had him attempt to ride a 2-wheeler.
he was not happy about it and used the words "i can't" more than i thought was possible.
hayden has always been really smart and things have just always come to him without much work on his part. so if he comes across something that he can't do immediately, he tends to give up right away.
i do think he had it for about a split second, but that was about it for attempt number one. hopefully we'll start getting some nicer weather so he can practice and be up and running by late spring!

dave showing how not frustrating it is to work with hayden:

i think this is around the time dave let go for a split second: