Friday, January 16, 2009

cold day

today hayden had a cold day from school. not a snow day. a cold day. when i woke up it was -12 and that was without the windchill. apparently most places around here were between -25 and -30 with the windchill. monroe was at -38! so that equals no school for over 100 school districts.
hayden has not been to school on a friday since before christmas break. he had a snow day on the friday that was to be his last day of school before break and his streak has continued. i realized he won't go to school on a friday at all this month as next friday he has off for teacher records day and the next friday he will be going back to the dentist to have a tooth pulled and some cavities filled. friday is his library and show and tell day but he hasn't seemed to mind having those days off.
yesterday we went out to a few stores and when we went to target i stopped by the toy aisle to see if they had marked anything down further. mainly this magnext icoaster that hayden had asked for for christmas. it was the one thing that he commented on on christmas. "santa didn't get me the magnet roller coaster!" no, santa did not, because said magnet roller coaster was $90.
i had noticed target marked it down the other week but it was still $66. so yesterday i saw it and it was down to $22. so hayden used some of his birthday and christmas money to buy it.
when dave got home and after we all ate dinner last nite, we all headed to hayden's bedroom so that we could set it up. he was able to play with it for a bit before bed. and when he went to bed, we took out the power supply to ensure he would not be playing with it when he should be sleeping.
so this morning at 7am he comes into our room saying "mom, it's 7 o'clock. so i can play with my roller coaster now, right?" so off he went to his room to set it all up.
i got up around 7:20 to find that he was dressed, but had not eaten. so he headed into the kitchen for some breakfast asking me "do i have school today?" and at that time i thought he did. so he says "ahhhh. but i want to stay home and play with my roller coaster!"
i head downstairs and check my email and find that he, in fact, does not have school. when i told him this, his face lit up and he said " i told you i didn't have school! no wait. no i didn't. but now i can play with my roller coaster!!!" it was the perfect day for him to have an unexpected day off.
at noon, he was still in his room and i called him out for lunch. he told me he was setting up a new one and he would eat when he was done. at 12:40, he finally came out.
this is the greatest toy EVER!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

glow golf with justica

jessica and justin were really bummed that they had to miss hayden's 6th birthday party as they were in alaska with fireflight. so when they returned, they picked up hayden and took him out for a special afternoon of glow golfing. we weren't allowed to go but jessica took pictures for us. they said they all had a great time. thanks justica!

this looks like a fit to me. could it be that they told him it was almost over?!:

hayden turns 6

on december 30th, at 5:49am, hayden michael turned 6 years old!
this year, with a few suggestions from me, hayden decided on having a lego themed birthday party.
unfortunately, jessica and justin had to leave that day for alaska as fireflight would be playing a show there on new years eve. dad also wasn't able to make it as their power went out the nite before and he had to stay home with the generator to make sure the house didn't flood. mom did bring him so cake though!
we still had a basement full with mom, jenn and rainah, the howard family, tina, and jack and caroline skiver.
i made 4 cakes shaped like lego pieces and hayden and dave had been building lego things all week to use as decorations. each of the kids got a box with a lego set, lego fruit snack, stickers and lego candy in them.
hayden got some more wooden trains and accessories, some games, some leapster games, some cd's and some gift cards and some money. we actually just went to target the other day so he could spend his gift cards and he got himself some blendy pens and 2 new trains.
after bringing his new trains upstairs to play by himself, he realized he was lonely and decided to share. all of the kids jumped right in and they had a great time playing with the train set. hayden, of course, tried telling them just how they should play but he got over it after a bit and they all played together really nicely.
hayden is so excited to be 6 and kept telling us "now i'm bigger than a 5 year old, cuz i'm 6 now!" it's hard to believe it though. time just seems to be speeding up.
we love you, hayden! happy 6th birthday!!!!

the cakes:

jenn keeping the babies occupied while we finished getting ready:
let's get this party started:

seeing if anyone would notice him playing some xbox:
more train stuff!:

whenever we would ask him to smile he'd just give us this goofy fake smile and stare:
from jessica and justin. and only 1 kid was knocked out that nite:
there's that stare again:

hayden insisted on rearranging the candles before we could light them:

my frosting colors are always a hit with the kids:
talan found hayden's plate unattended and decided to dig in:

sharing is caring: