Wednesday, April 30, 2008

voices inside his stomach

(the scabs are actually almost gone now)

hayden is a horrible eater. he has been since shortly after moving him from baby foods to table foods. he did ok for awhile but then it all just went downhill. he used to eat grilled cheese and then suddenly he stopped. he loved pasta and then suddenly one day he stopped eating that too. he did this with most foods and by age 3, he only had about 4 things he would actually eat at mealtime. he wouldn't stop eating one thing and start eating another, we'd just be down 1 thing that he would actually eat.
every time he goes to the dr. they tell me he's doing just fine and not to worry about it. he's getting what he needs somehow. most recently, our brilliant dr. told me a little trick. put baby squash in his macaroni and cheese and he'll never know the difference. i was SURE hayden would know. the first time i did it he took a bite and didn't say anything. then the second bite he started telling me it tasted funny. "no it doesn't, just eat it." he insisted through the entire meal that it did taste funny, however, he ate it all and he hasn't said anything about it anytime after.
for the past several months if hayden actually even tries a bite of dinner, he'll then tell us "my tummy told me he's full." and that's that. the stomach has spoken.
well, last nite it appears that he actually had an entire conversation with his tummy. it went like this:
"mommy, my tummy said it was full but i told it that sloppy joe was healthy for him but he said he just didn't want to eat anymore and i told him to just take 5 more bites but he wouldn't so i'm all done."

Friday, April 18, 2008

hayden's big fall

hayden is a pretty coordinated kid and really hasn't had a whole lot of injuries. he did run into a wall at almost 3 years of age and now has a scar on his forehead, but that's really been about it. we figured with out active he is that he'd be in the hospital all the time. i guess he's just too coordinated for that.
so today it's supposed to be about 76 degrees. he got off the bus already sweating from playing outside and he wanted to play some more. it was close to lunch time so i told him we weren't going to get anything out of the garage. he ran in the house and got his little einstein's rocket toy to run around with. he wasn't pushing it but 2 seconds when he hit a big lip in the concrete and skidded on his face.
i ran him inside and grabbed a washcloth. pretty much the whole time he was crying and yelling at me "mom! you were supposed to catch me! why didn't you stop me?"
because this is the kind of mom i am, here are the pictures.