Wednesday, July 25, 2007

when he was two

these are some old videos we had downloaded from when hayden was just over 2. see how cute he was?! that's why he's not dead yet.
the first is hayden singing the alphabet while naked. it was the only time i got him doing it on, he's naked. whatever. i apologize for the fact that it is sideways. i was using the camera and turned it thinking i was getting a vertical shot as if you were taking a picture. but instead, you see a naked sideways hayden.
the second is hayden reading chicka chicka boom boom. if you know the story, you'll hear his "chicka chicka boom boom" and the "whee!" that's about all i can decipher.
the third is just hayden playing. but he's so stinkin' cute, i had to put it on. speaking of stinking...that's what all of the off camera complaining was about....hayden stunk. i hardly remember him being that little.

*i just found out that youtube removed the first video due to inappropriate content. guess they don't like the baby butt there at youtube. so if you want to see the video, you'll just have to come over to our house and watch it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

farmington founder's festival

the horrible humidity finally left and just in time for the annual farmington founders festival. i decided to call mom and dad and see if they'd like to walk around with us just to get out of the house for bit. the agreed and we decided to meet up in a parking lot. as i was getting ready to leave i packed up the stroller, the baby bjorn, the snacks for hayden, the bottles and formula for talan, a change of clothes, diapers, a know, all the essentials you would need for a 2 hour outing. i looked at my camera and thought....should i bring this? should i take pictures of our stroll in farmington today? i haven't blogged in awhile. we haven't done anything blog worthy enough. but then i decided not to take it. i mean, just because i'm getting out of the house and that's exciting to me doesn't mean the rest of america wants to see pictures of the walk i took and the snowcone i ate (i didn't even get a snowcone i'll have you know. they weren't open when we were in that area, and then when we were leaving i didn't feel like stopping for one and having to wait while hayden ate one and then yelled that he didn't want to go home again).
well, we got there and farmington had decided to kick the founder's festival up a few notches this year. so there were rides and such. blogging worthy attractions. i have to realize that i'm a blogger now. and being a blogger means i must carry my camera with me at all times. it's just my responsibility now. lucky for me, grandma was there with her camera.
so basically, we took a nice stroll, enjoyed the 70ish degree weather with no humidity, didn't eat snowcones and watched hayden ride rides for half the day.
photo copyrights go to susan kellogg. thanks for the help mom! the pictures are great, and america thanks you. seriously, what would my fine readers do if they couldn't see photos of hayden on more rides?!

on the roller coaster which later i was told was his favorite ride of the day:
again with the roller coaster:
after the fifth time or so he started putting his hands up going up the hill but would put them down once they started going down the hill. by the last time he went, he had his hands up for the entire ride. that's my boy:
the huge slide that he first referred to as the "big slide" only to correct himself and say "no, no. the fun slide. that's what the sign says at the top." yes my 4 year old hayden, that's what the sign said:
on the carousel:
i was a little afraid to put him on the swings as i thought once they got too high he might freak out and want to come down. mom was scared that he'd fall out. none of the above happened and he went again and again:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


on june 23 we headed to the fox theater to see thomas LIVE! hayden was quite excited, of course. and we went because we love him. i put my camera in my backpack and once we reached the doors we read a sign that said "no cameras allowed." dave said he would run the camera back to the car but i told him not to worry about it. they don't pat you down for concerts, why would they at thomas?! besides, i just wanted a couple of pictures of him in the fox theater. nothing too major that would give the plot away to those who hadn't seen the show yet. we get closer to the front and see that they actually are going through purses and bags. i was wrong. but i certainly am glad security was so tight at this thomas show. it really could have gotten out of control. i hadn't seen a crowd that was so prone to moshing since 1994.
so dave puts the camera back and hayden and i wait in line to buy the must have trinket for the show. this time around it was thomas on a stick that lit up. for $12. the boy in front of us was told he was getting a light from mommy and a hat from grandma. hayden overheard this and decided he must also have a hat. hayden comes close to refusing to wear hats most of the time. and when i saw that this hat was $20, it was a definite no. we are still in line when dave gets back in. we finally get our light and head up to our seats. when we walk in i notice there aren't a whole lot of people in our section. and it's pretty close to show time. we sit down in our seats and about 2 minutes later someone comes and tells us we can move down to any of the seats one level lower since it was such a small crowd. bonus. sure am glad i didn't buy the next high up ticket. i tried taking a picture of hayden with dave's camera phone, but it didn't come out. so i have no bootleg pictures for you. just a couple that kinda proves we were there. or at least in the area.
we got some cotton candy, which hayden manages to get all over his face and hands. dave tried to make the event more enjoyable by texting people to let them know what we were up to. we hate musicals. and a kids musical?! well, that must be about 500 times worse. but we made it through. at least kids musicals aren't as long as adult musicals! thomas actually did end up saving the day.
after the show we quickly made our exit and headed next door to get something to eat at johnny rockets. dave's peanut butter cup shake was delicious. hayden managed to eat all the bites of hot dog we requested of him, and then managed to keep them in his mouth from detroit to just about novi. every time he was open his mouth, the car would fill with the smell of hot dog that's been sitting in someones mouth for a ridiculous amount of time. it was disgusting. he finally got it down and we made it to grandma's to pick up talan. a fun time was had by.....well, by hayden.

see. we were there:
hayden on the way home with his $12 thomas light and the johnny rockets hot dog still in his mouth: